Lesson Plans & Academy News March 10, 2020 It has been an exciting week at TSMA! First we would like to congratulate Coach Jackson on being promoted to the rank of purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! Coach Jackson was promoted by Professor Caio Terra on Thursday, March 5th! Be sure to congratulate Coach Jackson […]
OKC MOM Gains strength to fight MS with TSMA!
Families gain life long friendships at TSMA! See what TSMA can do for your family! www.tsmaokc.com
OKC Family gains discipline & Integrity at TSMA!
Oklahoma City Mom talks about their experience at TSMA, learn what TSMA can do for your family! www.tsmaokc.com
7 Reasons to Never Miss a Monday Workout
If you spent your whole weekend on the couch, waking up for a Monday morning workout might be extra tough. But the start of the week is actually a great time to recommit to staying fit. (No offense, New Year’s resolutions.) Research shows that people think about and act on healthy activities more on Mondays than any […]
10 Tips to Help You Eat Well for Life
Easy ways to eat for better health. After decades of consuming fast food and processed snacks, following fad diets, downing energy drinks and popping supplements, Americans are starting to turn back to the simple art of eating well. Perhaps the wake-up call is that some of the biggest killers in our country—heart disease and type […]
Fitness Training @ The Summit Martial Arts
I joined fit class at TSMA in 2014 to help me lose weight and help me with the RA diagnosis that ravaged my body. I had a huge support system from day 1. When I’m at TSMA I’m surrounded by family. They make everyone of all ages feel welcome! Coach Jackson and his team, encouraged […]